Toxin-Free Hair Care


Since we are doing a Head to Toe beauty detox, I decided the best place to start was with my shampoo and conditioner routine! For those of you who do not already know this, the skin is our largest organ and it absorbs everything we touch and massage into it. The scalp is one of the most susceptible areas of the skin since the pores open when warm water is applied. Therefore your body is very vulnerable to the shampoo and conditioner choices you make. Before I became involved with Kogi Naturals, I will admit I was one of those salon and drug store hair care customers. Until one day I read a label and discovered that my beloved detangling, silk feeling shampoo that looked so desirable in its great packaging (prefer not to name the Big Brand) was loaded with Sodium Lauryl and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (A known human carcinogen), Cocomidedopropyl Betaine (a skin irritant and allergic contact dermatitis), Triclosan (an Endocrine disruptor and organ system toxicity), Retinyl Palimitate (Reproductive toxicity, organ system toxicity and possible carcinogen), Quaternium-15 (releases carcinogenic formaldehyde), Potassium Sorbate (Skin and Organ system toxicity), Phenoxyethanol (Organ system toxicity, skin, eye and lung irritant) and the list goes on and on and on. I actually could not believe my eyes … I was soaking all of these HORRIBLE toxins into my scalp and absorbing them into my body by choice! Actually more by ignorance and this is why I am writing this blog. Because, like you, I was simply unaware and blinded by great marketing! If you are like me, you have a family and you are the household decision maker. Make the right choice, be educated, read the labels and understand what you are subjecting yourself and your loved ones to. Choose a natural shampoo that is formulated with ONLY natural, toxin-free ingredients. My personal favorite (and not because I am a part of the Company, I have tried other natural shampoos) but , nothing compares to Kogi Naturals Rosemary Mint Shampoo and Conditioner. Both are created with ONLY Natural, Organic and 100% Toxin-Free ingredients. The Shampoo offers a rich lather while the conditioner tingles my scalp and detangles even my very coarse, curly hair! I might also mention that I use a hot iron every day and the natural oils found in the Rosemary Mint Shampoo & Conditioner help to keep my hair healthy and glowing not dry and damaged! Please trade in your chemical laden hair care products for a natural, toxin-free alternative. It is a small change that will yield big impacts for you and your family. And please remember, if you do not know what an ingredient is, find out that it is safe first before use. If you ever have any questions about our ingredients please reach out to me – I am always available by email at  and would be very pleased to answer any questions that you might have. Watch for my next Blog about choosing the right shampoo for your baby or child.

Source of Information documented in this article: Website & Earth Mama, Angel Babies Website.  

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